Welcome to the madness.

We are a community of humans who are passionate about mental health.

We INSPIRE one another to seek professional mental health HELP, learn how to SUPPORT our loved ones through dark times, SHARE stories to create SOLIDARITY & HOPE, ACCEPT that it’s okay to take medication, FIGHT to make mental health care more accessible & affordable, gain skills to build HEALTHIER minds & hold events at your local beach, skatepark, or mountain to create COMMUNITY & SHRED THE STIGMA.


Meet Mental Maddie.

Maddie spends her days snowboarding, frolicking in nature, attempting to skateboard, roller skatin, worrying about the world, dancing like a mad woman, dreaming about surfing, & taking long walks on the beach with her fella & pups.
The less glamorous side of her life is fighting the wild ups & downs of her bipolar disorder.
After years & years of mental health struggles she has finally found manageable balance in her life, thanks to hard work, professional help & medication.
Maddie always turned to searching the web to find other humans that have struggled like her & eventually found balance. The different life stories she found made her feel less alone & gave her hope for a easier life.   
Maddie decided years ago she wanted to also share her story, her knowledge, & her experiences so she could hopefully be another spark of light out there for someone going through dark times. 
We all have our own mental health story, we all have our struggles, & we all have our own mental health self care routines so she created this space so we can all share these experiences we can all learn from one another.   
She created this space so we can all work together to…


Meet Always Angsty Bailey.

She’s a bad ass maker of pottery, skater, boarder, dancer & lover who brings so much passion to the project!

Her whole life story coming soon…